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Would you like to join the Mayvin Community? Sign-up to our mailing list, follow @MayvinLtd on Twitter and join our LinkedIn Group for the latest Mayvin insights, blogs and resources as well as invitations to regular networking events. Whether your practice is in HR, Organisation Development & Design or Learning & Development you'll find something for you at each of our […]
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Would you like to join the Mayvin Community? Sign-up to our mailing listfollow @MayvinLtd on Twitter and join our LinkedIn Group for the latest Mayvin insights, blogs and resources as well as invitations to regular networking events.

Whether your practice is in HR, Organisation Development & Design or Learning & Development you'll find something for you at each of our events. We'd love to welcome you to the community. 

We host a programme of Mayvin Community events across the year on Zoom and, when possible, in person. The participative spirit of these events is critical to the community building that Mayvin aims to foster. Refreshments are provided, which helps! People report that what impresses them most about these events is the interesting people you meet at them.

If you're interested in coming along and connecting with like-minded practitioners, sign-up here. You can follow @MayvinLtd on Twitter and join our LinkedIn Group for the latest Mayvin insights, blogs and resources.

Mayvin Community event topics have included:

The Art of Not Knowing: Creative Practice in Organisations

Why are there so few women CEOs and Chairs in International NGOs? Findings from the Women’s International Leadership Development’s (WILD) action research project

Artful Approaches to Organisational Change: How can imaginative and creative approaches help communicate organisational challenges?​

Practice-based Learning in Your World: how do vulnerability and expertise come together in your practice and in your particular context?

The Development Trap: how do you adapt and learn close to the grain of the work in discontinuous times?

The real language of Organisation Development & Designwhat can two different worlds – sign language and arts interpretation – teach us about how to talk the real language of organisations?

Organisation Development at the speed of Digital: finding the next good question

Customer-centric OD: putting customers at the heart of what we do

Does the Truth Matter? Improving organisation performance by telling the truth

Organisation Design: how to get real transformation to happen

OD for Real: what the future of HR says about today's Organisation Development

Restorative Practice: the new wave for HR?

Women's Leadership in International NGOs

Stories of the small and mighty: OD interventions that pack a punch. Sharing experiences of the innovative OD work happening in not-for-profit organisations. Kindly hosted by NSPCC.

If you're interested in coming along to our next event, sign up to the Mayvin Community mailing list here. We look forward to welcoming you to the community.

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