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The Forgotten Art of Management: Join this preview event of Mayvin's forthcoming book

Has leadership had its day? Organisations today seem to be unable to call upon anything else when it comes to thinking about the future, creating change and getting things done. We ask whether this might be an unhealthy state of affairs. Mayvin's forthcoming book by Principal Consultant Tony Nicholls, The Forgotten Art of Management, will address this question and […]
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Has leadership had its day? Organisations today seem to be unable to call upon anything else when it comes to thinking about the future, creating change and getting things done. We ask whether this might be an unhealthy state of affairs.

Mayvin's forthcoming book by Principal Consultant Tony NichollsThe Forgotten Art of Management, will address this question and more.

Based on his experiences working and consulting in various types of organisation, across multiple sectors, Tony is challenging the notion that leadership is the only answer.

His provocation is that, whilst leadership remains important, it is actually management that is the key to creating effective change in organisations.

"Positioning leadership as the solution to everything reinforces hierarchies, concentrates power amongst a few and provides a false sense of security in the hero leader coming to the rescue when it all goes wrong. Once a leader has made their decision to do something, isn’t the rest of their intervention about making it happen? And isn’t this the realm of management?"

Together with the Mayvin Community, we will inquire into:

  • How you currently differentiate between your leadership promise and the management practice that delivers it.
  • Our changing contexts and how your leadership promise needs to change.
  • Given this change, what needs to now shift in your management practice in order for you to deliver on this new promise.


Join one of our two sessions:

Exclusive Preview on Mayvin's Forthcoming Book: The Forgotten Art of Management
Thursday 22 October, 5 pm – 6:30 pm UK

Exclusive Preview on Mayvin's Forthcoming Book: The Forgotten Art of Management
Tuesday 3 November, 10 am – 11:30 am UK


To RSVP to the events and receive the Zoom details, please send us an email to [email protected].

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