On Friday 17th September; from 12pm-1:30pm, we will be hosting the next session in our collective inquiry into new working patterns. After July's webinar, we felt the next step in this inquiry is to start looking at some current examples in depth, to understand what is happening out there right now and what we can collectively learn from that to bring into our own practice.
Over August, we will be talking with 3 friends of Mayvin to find out what is happening in their organisations and we will release these conversations as podcasts for you to listen to.
We will then come together at our 17th September event for some sensemaking with these examples and the experiences you bring along to the session, to build a collective understanding and learn together.
If you would like to join us, please RSVP by emailing our Marketing Manager Claire Newell: claire.newell@mayvin.co.uk, we will then send you the Zoom details for the event.
Bring a friend!
Please feel free to forward this post on to friends and colleagues, the more the merrier.
These sessions seek to provide a space to share thoughts and experiences of new ways of working and face this messy new world together, as said in our first session:
"it will be messy and we may not get it right first time"
and so we need to:
"be honest that we don’t have all the answers, we need to work it through, try things out and learn together”.
The first session in this group inquiry was a really fruitful session. A summary of the themes that emerged can be found on our website plus Tony Nicholls's reflections on how managers can support their teams. A recording of the event is also available on request.