Following our communications last month about growing the team here at Mayvin, we wanted to update you on our thinking in light of the current global context.
We are still very keen to expand the Mayvin team but, recognising that the situation across the world is changing hour by hour, we think it is wise to suspend the process for three months. Recruitment will restart in July 2020, should that prove to be possible; we have every expectation that it will be.
Joining the Mayvin team
Thank you to everyone who has already expressed an interest in joining the Mayvin team. We look forward to talking further in the summer.
Meanwhile, we hope everyone is keeping safe and well. We want to support all our colleagues, clients & friends during this difficult time.
As a way to stay connected and keep talking with fellow change practitioners, you can now join the Mayvin Community LinkedIn Group. Whether your practice is in Organisation Development & Design, HR or Learning & Development, join us here to share the particular challenges you are facing in your organisation and to support each other to find a positive way through unsettling, uncertain times.
Take good care and keep in touch.