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Artful Inquiry Into The Headless Way

The Headless Way is a method of becoming aware of your most private self which, the suggestion is, is spacious, still and is freedom itself.
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We got our week off to a spiritual start with this free online session on the Headless Way.

The Headless Way is a method of becoming aware of your most private self which, the suggestion is, is spacious, still and is freedom itself. The most spiritual part of you. But this is not for taking on trust. Richard Lang will guide you through awareness exercises that reveal this deep spiritual centre within you. They will also indicate how this awareness of ‘who you really are' can be applied, simply and easily, in everyday life. 

On Monday 18th July 2022 we held the following Artful Inquiry:

The Headless Way

| Hosted by Mayvin Director James Traeger and Richard Lang |

The Headless Way was developed by Douglas Harding, the author of On Having No Head, first published in 1961. Douglas Harding was born in 1909. He spent his life thinking about, exploring, and writing about the question Who am I? In 1943 in India (he was in the Army then, having gone to India to work there as an architect) he had an experience of his ‘true nature’, the ‘reality’ at his very centre. During the 1970s he developed awareness exercises that make this experience available to anyone who wishes to look. In his many books Douglas explored the practical applications of this new view of oneself. As well as the way it fits in with modern science and psychology.

We really enjoyed the session and it helped us see things from a different vantage point

Watch the the webinar on Douglas Harding's Headless Way

You can also listen to the podcast here: Douglass Harding's Headless Way explained by Richard Lang Podcast

About the Host

Richard Lang has been sharing the Headless Way for over fifty years. He met Douglas Harding in 1970 and became a friend

Richard now spends his life sharing this method of awakening. He has run hundreds of workshops on this ‘method’ as well as writing several books.  Richard has also worked as a psychotherapist, and has taught Tai Chi and dance. He is the co-ordinator of the Shollond Trust.

You can find out more about Richard here: Richard Lang

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