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Join Mayvin at the ODN Europe Carnival of Disruption

Mayvin is running two different Artful Ways virtual sessions at the ODN Europe Carnival of Disruption later this month, an online conference focused on disruptive practice in Organisation Development. Our two ODNE carnival sessions invite you to join us in disrupting the current paradigm of thinking in organisations, which is based on a so-called rational, scientific management model. We see […]
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Mayvin is running two different Artful Ways virtual sessions at the ODN Europe Carnival of Disruption later this month, an online conference focused on disruptive practice in Organisation Development.

Our two ODNE carnival sessions invite you to join us in disrupting the current paradigm of thinking in organisations, which is based on a so-called rational, scientific management model. We see this as a very limited approach which deeply affects how people are expected to think, talk and behave. Yet beyond this way of being is a much wider experience of ourselves and the world. This wider experience is the territory of the artful: a creative, relational endeavour key to successful, ethical OD practice.

Join us to explore artful ways in organisational life. See below for details of the two different sessions. We'd love to see you there!

Artful Ways: Practice-based learning in Organisational Change
Tuesday 22 September, 3 pm – 4:30 pm UK

via Zoom

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and remember to get your ticket via ODN Europe

How can we access the vast untapped resource of potential that we may be overlooking in an attempt to control the future?  What would happen if we explored organisational life from a different, more artful paradigm, rather than one that is all too often dominated by rational and scientific assumption?

HR Most Influential Thinkers Dr James Traeger, Director of Research at Mayvin and Dr Rob Warwick, Reader in Management and Organisational Learning at the University of Chichester believe there is a danger that something is being lost in organisations; something about learning, about creativity, about life, humanity and expression.

Artful Ways Pamphlet cover

Their new publication Artful Ways: Practice-based learning in Organisational Change is inspired by the form of 18th-century political pamphlets and calls for a move away from traditional courses, away days and KPIs to a more artful, practice-led approach to development for organisations that are so under the pressures of time and resources that they don’t have time for learning.

Join this session of messy artful inquiry. Bring along something to the session that you have created and have put your heart and hands into making. This could be a photo, a recipe, a recording, a picture, a model, a sewn or knitted item or any other creation of your choosing. You can bring along something finished, or a work in progress, and it can be something you’ve already been working on or something that you’re creating especially for this session. You’ll have the opportunity to share what you’ve made with one or two other people in a short breakout session.

To sign-up:

  1. Add to Calendar
  2. Click here to get your ticket via ODN Europe


Artful Ways of exploring ethical dilemmas in OD practice
Wednesday 23 September 2020, 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm UK

via Zoom

Click here to add this event to your calendar

and remember to get your ticket via ODN Europe

James Traeger, Rob Warwick and Julian Burton have been exploring a way of combining their shared inquiry into ethical OD practice with artful ways of looking ethical dilemmas in our work and using different kinds of expression and other ways of knowing.

Our recent OD ethics research in collaboration with ODN Europe and The University of Chichester suggests that we need to disrupt how we convene our practice and our role in the ethics of Organisation Development

Delta 7 Julian Burton image crop ODNE carnival

This session offers participants some artful ways of getting under the skin of ethical dilemmas using story and visual art. James, Rob and Julian will share some tools to enable you to gain insight into ethical dilemmas through the use of graphic illustration and inquiry.

Join the session for an introduction to this approach and the opportunity to have a play with these artful ways yourself.

To sign-up:

1. Click here to add this event to your calendar

2. Get your ticket via ODN Europe


About the facilitators:

Dr James Traeger, Director of Research, Mayvin
James is a leadership and organisational development specialist with extensive practical and teaching experience.

Dr Rob Warwick, Reader in Management and Organisational Learning at the University of Chichester
Rob arrived in academia having been at the sharp end of organisational change within the UK's National Health Service, supporting both large and small-scale projects.

Julian Burton, Director of Delta7 Change
Julian is a visual artist and Visual Dialogue facilitator, supporting people in making sense and meaning of strategic and developmental themes, bringing more clarity and focus to shared outcomes.

Sign up to the ODN Europe Carnival here

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