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The following document sets out the organisation’s Modern Day Slavery Policy. In 2015, the UK Government introduced the Modern Slavery Act (MSA), which requires companies with a minimum turnover of over £36 million to publish an annual statement detailing what steps they have taken to tackle modern slavery, both in their operations and in their supply chains. Our annual turnover means that we are not legally obliged to report on modern slavery and human trafficking yet we remain committed to ensuring the business and its supply chains are free of slavery and will perform due diligence to provide transparency throughout the organisation.
Mayvin Ltd is committed to eliminating modern slavery and takes the appropriate steps to ensure that everyone who works for Mayvin Ltd benefits from a working environment in which their fundamental human rights are respected and anyone that we do business with also upholds these principles.
The information in this statement details policies, processes and actions we have taken to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not taking place in our supply chains or any part of our own business.
Policy Guidelines
Policy and Procedures
Tackling modern day slavery - our People
To ensure that we recruit and treat employees fairly, avoiding modern slavery at all costs, our human resources (HR) handbook set out our procedures on how we:
Recruit and select employees in a fair, lawful and professional manner.
Treat all employees fairly during their employment and, if there is an occasion when an employee does not feel that they have been treated fairly, there are procedures in place to raise a grievance.
Manage the exit of an employee from the business in a fair and consistent manner.
We provide fair working conditions for all our employees including terms and conditions of employment, remuneration, working hours, health and safety, resting time, holiday entitlements and benefits.
Our employees’ pay will not be lower than that required by local law or, in the absence of law, the level paid generally within that industry. Hours of work will be in line with local law or, in the absence of a law, the norm within that industry, and shall not be excessive. Employees shall not be contractually required to work more than 37.5 hours per week and overtime will only be worked on an optional basis. Forced or compulsory labour is prohibited. Employees will not be forced into involuntary labour and coercion at work is not acceptable. Financial penalty as a disciplinary sanction is prohibited.
All staff are required to read and abide by our Ethical Code Statement, which details how employees can raise ethical concerns through our Speak Up procedure. Concerns about slavery and human trafficking would be considered to be an ethical concern and employees can raise these concerns openly and at any time in confidence.
In addition to this, we seek feedback from employees through regular group and 1-2-1 meetings where we gauge how our people feel about working at Mayvin. This helps us to identify potential issues around culture that could lead to a failure of ethics, controls or governance before they occur. Slavery and human trafficking would be picked up as a potential issue through this assessment.
Tackling modern slavery – our supply chain
We seek to partner with suppliers who uphold our high standards of social, environmental and ethical conduct providing safe working conditions, treating workers with dignity and respect, acting fairly and ethically, and using environmentally responsible practices where practicable.
The majority of our suppliers are SME and therefore below the minimum turnover of over £36 million and are not required to publish modern slavery statements. In addition to the robust UK legislative framework, and the risk of infringement for our suppliers based in the UK, our risk is low. Nevertheless, we recognise our responsibility to identify and address potential infringements linked to the goods and/or services we procure.
Training and communication
To make employees aware of the Act and the drivers of modern slavery, as well as the possible indicators, we share this statement with all employees through our internal communication channels. In addition, we are ensuring all employees are aware of, and have read, our Ethical Code Statement.
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