Leadership in a New Era
We had a snap election, now a snap event!
We’re already starting to notice a change in the ask of clients, particularly in government - the post-election focus seems to be on mindsets and behaviours needed to respond to a Labour Government asking for more strategic, systemic thinking and solutionising.
Join Carolyn & Sophie (both former civil servants) for some early sense making on what the election result means for:
- public service leadership
- the role of leaders, OD and change-makers in all sectors
- the effect of the new era in and beyond government
We'll share our thinking on leadership for the new era and hold a space of some collective sense-making before recess next week. We’ve focused on noticing and its role in complex systems in our last few alumni sessions…here’s a chance to come together and put some of that into practice. The session will include:
- Mayvin’s take on the first 3 weeks of the Starmer government
- Your chance to reflect on what you’ve noticed so far
- A space to sense-make together on the impact for your practice, right now
- Networking with like-minded people and continuing development of your alumni support