Formal Programmes
We have a long pedigree in offering what we refer to as 'formal' development programmes. These typically involve:
- 4-5 workshops
- 3 or 4 action learning sets
These programmes can be accredited to Masters level 7, offering Post Graduate Certificates and Diplomas.
These offerings have now grown into a full MA in People in Organisation Development.
There is still very much a need and demand for these programmes. However, they aren't appropriate for all development needs, especially when large numbers of leaders and managers are involved and/or when a relatively quick pivot towards a fresh mindset and set of capabilities is needed.
We started to think about how the success we see in our formal programmes could be replicated in shorter interventions, delivered at scale.

Horizontal and Vertical Development
Critical to the impact we see in our programmes, both for individual participants, and their organisations, is the mix of horizontal and vertical development baked into the programme design.
• Horizontal development refers to the 'content', what participants come away 'knowing' in terms of specialist knowledge or skills.
• Vertical development refers to the mindset shift enabled through the programme. An example of this vertical development might be no longer seeing the world as complicated and predictable, but as complex and unpredictable.
We landed on a design for shorter interventions that created space for mindset shift, enabled by the judicious use of content and facilitated inquiry. The inquiry is focused on practice, this being participants' real work, and their presence and participation in that work. The process of inquiry into individual practice is assisted by a collaborative process of exploration utilising individual, small group and plenary spaces.
Shorter ‘Kick-starter’ Interventions
Mayvin now has growing evidence from running standalone, half-day workshops as well as interventions combining workshops and action learning sets, that these 'kick-starter' programmes can have impact at volume and at pace. Our public sector clients are utilising this approach as they look to pivot their leaders and managers towards the systemic challenges and opportunities confronting them and that the new UK Labour Government is tasking them to solve.
Get in touch
If you would like to discuss your organisation's development needs, whether for longer, more 'formal' programmes, or for shorter, 'kick-starter' interventions, get in touch for a chat.
Video Podcast
You can also listen to Tony Nicholls and Carolyn Norgate discuss this in further detail as an audio or video podcast.